The Rural Maryland Council Prosperity Investment Fund (RMPIF) awards $100,000 grant to make necessary capital improvements to address health, safety and handicap-accessibility concerns in seven of Benedictine’s group homes in the Town of Easton and in Talbot and Caroline counties. The group homes provide community-based residential and learning-for-living support to individuals with multiple disabilities and autism. For more than 20 years, the homes have offered a community living environment for 25 individuals including those who require a high level of care because of their disabilities
“Benedictine’s primary goal is to ensure safe and healthy living spaces for our residents,” said Benedictine Executive Director, Scott Evans. “The second but equally important goal is to create a comfortable and enduring home environment as well as an excellent quality of life for the individuals we serve. With the grant from RMPIF, these important upgrades and improvements will have a significant, positive impact on the lives of the 25 adults and children who reside in these group homes.”
Support from RMPIF will help offset costs associated with mandated but unfunded transition of services. The RMPIF request for support is part of a larger Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) award project that will address similar health and safety improvements in Benedictine’s 21 group homes.
Benedictine’s mission is to help children and adults with developmental disabilities reach their greatest potential and navigate life as independently as possible, through dignity of work, compassionate caring and hospitality.
The RMPIF supports the Rural Maryland Council’s activities and the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund (MAERDAF), which provides capacity-building funds to rural nonprofit service providers. RMPIF also supports the state’s five regional councils, regional infrastructure projects, rural entrepreneurship development, rural community development and rural health care organizations.