The list of local businesses on the Shore who have employed people supported by Benedictine is below. Because each company’s personnel needs are different, our employment staff will work with you to determine your specific job requirements and we then tailor our services to fulfill those expectations. We provide on-site training and supervision at no additional cost to you.
Explore our valued community employers who have partnered with Benedictine, offering not just jobs but opportunities for growth and empowerment to individuals with developmental disabilities. We extend heartfelt gratitude to these businesses for fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment.
Join hands with us in building a more inclusive workforce. Become a Community Training Partner and be part of a community that believes in the potential and abilities of every individual.
Meet our cherished community partners whose unwavering support and collaboration contribute to the success and well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities. We express our deepest gratitude to these organizations for making a positive impact in our community.
Your generous contribution can create lasting change. Join our mission and support the cause by making a donation. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Every gift, big or small, matters. Give the gift of hope today and help us continue our vital work.
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