Todd Smith Named Employee of the Year by Maryland Works, Inc.


Todd Smith of Easton, Md., one of Benedictine’s hardest working individuals, has been named Maryland Works, Inc., 2015 Employee of the Year. The award was presented by Suzanne Page, assistant superintendent, Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services, Carol Beatty, secretary, Maryland Department of Disabilities, and Bob Hofmann, president & CEO of Maryland Works, Inc., on November 12 at the BWI Marriott. Smith was honored for his community employment achievements and his work at the McDonald’s in Denton, Md.

Scott Evans, executive director of Benedictine, commented, “We commend and celebrate Todd’s persistence and dedication. He is a great example of all that can be accomplished by folks with disabilities when they have opportunities to live and work in their community.”

In addition to being a highly motivated and conscientious employee, Smith is a long-time resident of Benedictine’s Open Community Program for adults His work at McDonald’s is featured in Benedictine’s new informational video, “Benedictine Miracles.”

The Maryland Works’ Employee of the Year award honors an individual who has achieved his or her career goals regardless of having a disability. The statewide association works to expands employment and business ownership opportunities for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. Members include non-profit community service organizations and individual workforce development professionals who specialize in creating workforce and economic opportunities for thousands of motivated and qualified Marylanders with disabilities and other barriers to employment.


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