Supported Employment

Unlock Your Career Potential with Benedictine's Supported Employment Services

In conjunction with Maryland’s “Employment First” initiative, Benedictine’s employment services provide a range of services including pre-employment education, career exploration, skills development, job coaching support, job development, and career focused training. We offer these services through our Supported Employment Program and our Easton Community Services and Training Center.

Supported Employment

All students are provided guidance and instruction in the areas of self-care skills, home life skills, recreation and leisure, and social skills.

Coordination of services from school to residential provides consistent 24/7 reinforcement and the application of key skills, learning and behavioral objectives. Family involvement is encouraged through phone calls, mail, video calls, and visits. Residential programming is offered up to 365 days a year.

Benedictine is an approved provider of Autism Waiver Residential Habilitation Services.