Benedictine Participant Named Maryland Works Employee of the Year


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Maryland Works, Inc. named Elizabeth “Betsy” Partridge Employee of the Year during the organization’s 12th Annual Employment Awards Luncheon at the BWI Marriott in Baltimore in November.

As a statewide membership association, Maryland Works, Inc.’s mission is to promote economic and workforce development strategies that assure full inclusion of individuals with disabilities or those with other barriers to employment.

Partridge was recognized for her years of competitive integrated employment at both Broadneck High School in Annapolis where she has worked in the cafeteria since 2009, and Home Depot in Annapolis, where she has worked since 1996.

“Betsy has developed many positive relationships in the community and is best known for her catch-phrase “waz up” which showcases her enthusiasm and positive attitude in her positions,” said Benedictine’s Supported Employment and Community Services Director, Candy Jordan.

Partridge lives in one of Benedictine’s 18 Group Homes and is part of Benedictine’s residential Adult Services program which provides community living and independent living skills for people with developmental disabilities. As a graduate from the Benedictine School, Partridge transitioned into the organization’s Adult Services program in 1989.

“Betsy has been a part of the Benedictine family for many years and we are thrilled to see her hard work be recognized in such a big way,” said Benedictine Executive Director, Scott Evans. “We are extremely proud of her.”

About Maryland Works, Inc.

Works to expand employment and business ownership opportunities for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. The organization works with non-profit community service organizations and individual workforce development professionals who specialize in creating workforce and economic opportunities for thousands of motivated and qualified Marylanders with disabilities and other barriers to employment.



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