Benedictine Continues to Partner with Community Employers for Student Work Experiences

Jules at her job at K-Mart.

Benedictine continues to partner with community employers for student work experiences

Written by: Julie Hickey, Education Director

Community work experiences can offer a positive learning experience; validation of progress made, and needed workers for the community. In addition to several Benedictine- run businesses that offer work experience for students, Benedictine partners with a variety of work sites in our community, and the list is growing thanks to a committed community. Work opportunities vary from volunteer to paid positions. 

Jules and Care are two very different students who benefit from this focus on community learning and working. Jules has two community-based jobs earning minim wage at both. She is motivated by her paycheck and is a valued employee. With the support of a job coach, her jobs at K-Mart and Lamotte Chemical give her the opportunity to work on peer interactions as well as job-specific skills including assembly and retail duties. 

In addition to jobs on campus, Cat is a volunteer at a local animal rescue. Cat, a 20-year old non-verbal student, thrives on routine and task completion. She learned her routines quickly and is a valued volunteer – assisting with maintenance and pet care at Animal Resource Foundation. As a young lady who loves to be in the community, this opportunity has meant a lot to Cat.

Both Jules and Cat have thrived at their community placements. And they are building their resumes for their futures!

See article in MANSEF Newsletter


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